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This page contains information about IGALA's aims, board membership, and bylaws. Scroll down for more!

Aims of IGALA


The International Gender and Language Association was founded in 1999, emerging from the 'Women and Language' group at the University of California, Berkeley. The organization now has the following aims:


  • To encourage communication of the results of research into language, gender and sexuality, in particular through the Association's journal Gender and Language and through the Association's biennial conference


  • To create and support international and national research networks


  • To encourage research across disciplinary boundaries


  • To speak authoritatively to the wider world about gender, sexuality and language issues, through appropriate media



IGALA's current Executive Council members are:































IGALA's current Advisory Council is made up of: 













































Roles and responsibilities of IGALA Board members:


The President of IGALA is responsible for:


  • working for a policy that balances the needs of members with service to gender, sexuality and language study

  • representing IGALA and when appropriate and necessary speaking on its behalf, including in a lobbying capacity

  • working to develop relations between IGALA and other academic, professional and political bodies, as appropriate

  • consulting with Executives on issues concerning the management and running of IGALA and coming to a decision about these issues on the basis of Executive's wishes

  • ensuring that Executives have regular e-discussions on issues relating to IGALA

  • ensuring that the IGALA conference takes place and liaising with the organiser

  • chairing (a) an Executive meeting, and (b) an Open Business meeting at the IGALA conference

  • ensuring that decisions that Executives make are followed through (in conjunction with the Secretary)

  • drawing up the Agenda for Executive Meetings (in conjunction with the Secretary) and running the meetings

  • maintaining links with the editors of the Gender and Language journal

  • monitoring the IGALA site, identifying new links, documents and information to be posted on it, and liaising with the Advisory Council Member in charge of the Website about this (together with the Vice-President/President-Elect and Secretary)

  • post runs for two years

The Secretary is responsible for:

  • maintaining records of meetings and decisions

  • calling and running elections

  • posting minutes of public meetings and results of elections to the Membership at large 

  • maintaining the membership list, in consultation with the Journal editors


Ordinary Members are responsible for:


  • organizing IGALA conferences

  • liaising with the Journal publishers

  • maintaining and developing the IGALA website

  • moderating and running the GALA-List

  • running an IGALA blog on teaching/research/activism matters

  • promoting visibility on language, gender and sexuality research by collating and posting information on new books and resources on the website

  • creating and supporting international and national networks by overseeing the organization of local/regional branches and events; and actively identifying related (inter)disciplinary networks

  • overseeing international bursary allocations for IGALA conferences

  • making NSF (National Science Foundation) grant applications for IGALA conferences

  • organizing an IGALA Book Prize or Best Article Prize

  • helping with any other tasks decided by the Association


The Social Media/Communications Officer is responsible for:


  • Moderating the IGALA mailing list

  • Maintaining and updating the IGALA website

  • Maintaining and updating the IGALA Twitter and Facebook accounts

  • Advising the Board on appropriate social media strategies

  • Reporting on social media and communications at the biannual Board meeting, including making recommendations for the development of IGALA’s online presence

  • Liaising with the Blog Coordinator to ensure consistency of voice in IGALA communications

The Graduate Student Representative is responsible for:


  • bringing issues to IGALA that are of concern and importance to graduate students

  • working with other IGALA members and the Executive Committee to make graduate students an active and visible presence within IGALA

  • in coordination with the conference organizers and other members of the IGALA executive committee and membership, developing one graduate student workshop at each IGALA conference on a topic or topics relevant to the professional and intellectual development of graduate students and junior academic faculty

  • organizing an IGALA Graduate Student Essay Competition

Lexi Webster_edited.png

Past President:

Claire Maree



Scott Burnett

President of IGALA:

Denise Troutman

Victoria Furtado


(Graduate Student Rep)


and President-Elect


Lucy Jones

Javier García Leon


(Ordinary Member)

Angela Zottola


(Ordinary Member)

Silvia Antosa


(Ordinary Member)

Lexi Webster


(Journal Liaison)

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Ernesto Cuba


(Ordinary Member)

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David García Leon


(Ordinary Member)

David Garcia Leon_edited.jpg

Ty Slobe


(Ordinary Member)

Ty Slobe_edited.jpg

Alexandra Krendel


(Ordinary Member)

Alex Krendel_edited.jpg

Communications Officer:

Farieda Ilhami Zulaikha

IGALA bylaws

The full bylaws of the International Gender and Language Association can be viewed by clicking here.



Minutes from meetings of the IGALA Executive Committee

Minutes from the executive committee meeting (December 2021)

Minutes from the annual board meeting (June 2021)


Minutes from the open business meeting 2021


Minutes from the annual board meeting 2019


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