Berkeley Women and Language Conferences
In 2021, IGALA’s flagship journal Gender and Language revisits the role of power in the revitalisation of language, gender and sexuality research that took place in the 1990s, for which the Berkeley Women and Language Conferences provided a prime locus of intellectual debate. Extending a tradition set out by the First Berkeley Women and Language Conference in 1985 (for the proceedings, see Bremner, Caskey and Moonwomon 1985), the four biennial conferences held in the 1990s put into motion a feminist register for the field of language, gender and sexuality that gave its practitioners new ways to understand and articulate social injustice. This register is found in the voluminous proceedings published for each of the four conferences: Locating Power (Hall, Bucholtz and Moonwomon 1992), Cultural Performances (Bucholtz, Liang, Sutton and Hines 1994), Gender and Belief Systems (Warner, Ahlers, Bilmes, Oliver, Wertheim and Chen 1996) and Engendering Communication (Wertheim, Bailey and Corston-Oliver 1998).
The intergenerational and interdisciplinary connections made at the Berkeley Women and Language Conferences led to research collaborations, professional networks and lasting friendships. These connections also led to the establishment of the International Gender and Language Association in 1999 and subsequently Gender and Language journal in 2007, contributing to the field’s institutionalisation and its current pan-global character. The first IGALA conference was hosted by graduate students at Stanford University in 2000 (selected papers were published in Campbell-Kibler, Podesva, Roberts and Wong 2001), and the organisation has since welcomed international audiences to conferences in England, Spain, New Zealand, Tokyo, Brazil, Canada, Hong Kong and Botswana. To commemorate the vitality of these interconnections, the proceedings for all five Berkeley Women and Language Conferences (1985, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998) are now available on the IGALA website.
Conference Proceedings
These are the Proceedings of the First Berkeley Women and Language Conference (edited by Bremner, Caskey, and Moonwomon), which took place at UC Berkeley during the Spring of 1985. The volume features articles by Noelle Caskey; Sandra Clarke; Catherine E. Davies; Karen E. Hermann; Karen Ann Hunold; Mercilee M. Jenkins; Ruth King; Cheris Kramarae; Martha J. Macri; Birch Moonwomon; Patricia C. Nichols; Katsue Akiba Reynolds; Janet S. Shibamoto; and Candace West. The volume also includes a short preface by Noelle Caskey. Click the cover image below for a copy.

1992 vol 2
Volume 2 features articles by Marianne LaFrance, Robin Tolmach Lakoff, Bonnie McElhinny, Norma Mendoza-Denton, Miriam Meyerhof, Elinor Ochs and Carolyn Taylor, Shigeko Okamoto, Deborah Schiffrin, Amy Sheldon, Janet Smith, Dale Spender, Mary Talbot, and Senta Troemel-Ploetz, among many others. Click on the cover image to access a copy.

These are the Proceedings of the Fourth Berkeley Women and Language Conference (edited by Warner, Ahlers, Bilmes, Oliver, Wertheim, and Chen and entitled Gender and Belief Systems), which took place at UC Berkeley during the Spring of 1996. The volume features articles by Eileen P. Anderson; Victoria L. Bergvall; Monique Biemans & Renée van Bezooijen; Leela Bilmes; Janet M. Bing; Renée Blake & Sigrid Müller; Lisa Bland; Diana Boxer & Andrea Tyler; Jill Brody; Alysa Brown; Mary Bucholtz; Marisa Castellano; Mel Y.-C. Chen; Jennifer Curtis; Jill Dowdy & Deborah Keller-Cohen; Penelope Eckert; Susan Ehrlich & Susan Levesque; Suzanne Fleischman; Glenn Frankenfield; Alice F. Freed; Hiroko Furo; Rudolf P. Gaudio; Deborah Günzburger; Kira Hall; Jennifer Hay; Caitlin Hines; Janet Holmes; Lanita Jacobs-Huey; Deborah James; Cheryl Johnson; Scott Fabius Kiesling; Amy Kyratzis, Donna Trousdale, & Mardi Kidwell; Robin Tolmach Lakoff; Elaine J. Lawless; William Leap; A.C. Liang; Anna Livia; Jonathan D. Lofttin; Yoshiko Matsumoto; Bonnie McElhinny; Janet S. McIntosh; Deirdre H. McMahon; John McWhorter; Miriam Meyerhoff; Elaine K. Miller; Yoshimi Miyake; Gabriella Modan; Jennifer Monahan; Birch Moonwomon-Baird; Shigeko Okamoto; Esra G. Özyürek; Don Peterkin; Pia Purra; Kathleen C. Riley; Suzanne Romaine; Filomena Sandalo; Uma Shrestha; Meryl Siegal & Shigeko Okamoto; Beth Lee Simon; Deirdre Snyder; Elizabeth A. Strand; Lisa M. Stulberg; Liisa Tainio; Sara Trechter; Renée van Bezooijen; and Kathryn A. Woolard. The volume also features papers from the panel “A retrospective on progress in the field since the 1983 publication of Language, Gender, and Society,” with commentaries by Nancy M. Henley, Cheris Kramarae, Sally McConnell-Ginet, and Barrie Thorne. Click on the cover image below to access a copy.

1992 vol 1
The Proceedings of the Second Berkeley Women and Language Conference which took place at UC Berkeley during the Spring of 1992, were edited by Hall, Bucholtz, and Moonwomon and published in two volumes. Volume 1 features articles by Jenny Cook-Gumperz, Penny Eckert and Sally McConnell-Ginet, Susan Ehrlich and Ruth King, Susan Ervin-Tripp, Michele Foster, Alice Freed, Susan Gal, D. Letticia Galindo and Maria Dolores Gonzales Velasquez, Marjorie Harness Goodwin, Kira Hall, Heidi Hamilton, Susan Herring, Leanne Hinton, and Deborah James and Sandra Clarke, among many others, with a short preface by Mary Bucholtz. Click on the cover image to access a copy.

These are the Proceedings of the Third Berkeley Women and Language Conference (edited by Bucholtz, Liang, Sutton, and Hines and entitled Cultural Performances), which took place at UC Berkeley during the Spring of 1994. The volume features articles by Rusty Barrett; Victoria L. Bergvall; Laine Berman; Jan Bernsten; Janet Bing; Mary Bucholtz; Lisa Capps: Josefina M. Castillo; Joanne Cavallaro & Suellen Rundquist; Grace P. Chan; Lynn Cherny; Jennifer Coates; Colleen Cotter; Martha Clark Cummings; Rebecca Dobkins; Marcia Farr; Suzanne Fleischman; Alice F. Freed, Valérie Fridland; D. Letticia Galindo; Marjorie Harness Goodwin; Elizabeth Gordon; Alice Greenwood; Kira Hall; Susan Herring; Caitlin Hines; Leanne Hinton; Preeya Ingkaphirom Horie; Miyako Inoue; Cheryl Johnson; Christina Kakavá; Itsuko Kanamoto; Elizabeth Keating; Claire Kramsch & Linda Von Hoene; Amy Kyratzis; William Leap; A. C. Liang; Anna Livia; Monica Macaulay & Colleen Brice; Marianthi Makri-Tsilipakou; Norma Mendoza-Denton; Fadillah Merican; Gabriella Modan; Birch Moonwomon; Marcyliena Morgan; Rae A. Moses; Ruth Mukama; Elizabeth Noll; Shigeko Okamoto; Marjorie Faulstich Orellana; Susan U. Philips; Ann Russo & Lourdes Torres; Ruth Salvaggio; Pemela A.Saunders; Patricia E. Sawin; Meryl Siegal; Kyong-Sook Song; Marianne Stolen; Yukako Sunaoshi; Liisa Tainio; Deborah Tannen; Anita Taylor & Judi Beinstein Miller; Sara Sistrunk Trechter & Eli James; Sara Sistrunk Trechter & Eli James; Keith Walters; Kathleen M. Wood; Mara Zabaleta; and Paula Zupanc-Ecimovic. Click on the cover image to access a copy.

These are the Proceedings of the Fifth Berkeley Women and Language Conference (edited by Wertheim, Bailey, and Corston-Oliver and entitled Engendering Communication), which took place at UC Berkeley during the Spring of 1998. The volume features articles by Nobuko Adachi; Diane Downer Anderson; Rebecca Aviel; Rusty Barrett; Rosemary G. Beam de Azcona; Leela Bilmes; Adrian Blackledge; Lisa Bland & Rusty Barrett; Charles L. Briggs; Deborah Cameron; Marjorie K.M. Chan; Mel Y.-C. Chen; Monica Corsston-Oliver; Louise Cunningham; Barbara Easman & Jan Bernsten; Marjorie Harness Goodwin; Janice Gould; Howard Grabois; Marlis Hellinger; Jeri J. Jaeger; Deborah Johnson-Evans; Barbara F. Kelly; Shari Kendall & Keller Magenau; Minju Kim; Lisa Ann Lane; Barbara LeMaster, Megan Hitcock, Orlando Sanchez, & Tina Werner; Susan Leveesque & Susan Ehrlich; Kathe Managhan; Traci Marx & Amy Kyratzis; Bonnie McElhinny; Lesley Milroy; Birch Moonwomon-Baird; Anthony Mulac; Patricia C. Nichols; Arlene Oak; Wakako Ozaki; Aneta Pavlenko; Ingrid Piller; Robin M. Queen; Suzanne Romaine; Celia Elaine Rothenberg; Deborah D.K. Ruuskanen; Natalie Schilling-Estes; Ben Smith; James Stanlaw; Maria Stubbe; Mary M. Talbot; Marya Teutsch-Dwyer; Aki Uchida; James Waldinger; Hye-Sook Wang; Kyoko Takashi Wilkerson; Chris L.-K. Yuen; and Ana Celia Zentella. Click on the cover image to access a copy.