The second issue of the IGALA blog is out now!
Hello all,
I am going to introduce the second issue of our IGALA BLOG! Please note that the call for posts is open now and it will be until 15 February 2016. If you want to send your post, please do email it to me ( or fill the form at the end of this page). The posts have to deal with aspects of language, gender and sexuality but they do not have to be full papers.
This issue features 2 posts:
Chiara Nardone, PhD student at University of Bologna (Forlì campus). Chiara is introducing a topic that is dear to me too. Her post reasons on the use of the term ‘gender’ in what seems a political and religious(ly-based) battle over sex education at schools and more generally over the topic of homosexual couples and their rights. Her post is very timely, as yesterday (23.01.2016) people gathered to support parliamentary works (due to commence on 28.01) to approve a law that regulates same-sex unions (the term ‘marriage’ is being avoided). The slogan of this demonstration (held in more than 100 squares in Italy and abroad) was Svegliati Italia (Wake up Italy). You can find the BBC coverage of the news here: The fierce battle between those who support the law and those who oppose it is not over. On 30th January, (catholic) people who believe in the ‘traditional’ family (a father and a mother) will gather in Rome to celebrate the ‘family day’ (Chiara describes a previous similar event in her post).
Kate Power, Instructor, Arts Studies in Research and Writing at University of British Columbia writes about the role of female Anglican bishops in Canada, providing a detailed linguistic overview of their roles within the Church and the new political scenario.
We hope you enjoy the posts. We will be back very soon with our third issue!
Best wishes,
Federica (on behalf of IGALA).