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Best Article Prize - IGALA 2023

If you are planning your conferences for next year you might want to check out the call that has recently come out for the next IGALA conference, which will be held in July 2023 at the University of Brisbane, in Australia. Check out details here

As it is now tradition, the Best Article Prize will run this year as well. If you have published an article, that fits the conference theme you might be eligible to submit your work for this prize. This year’s conference theme is “Gender, Language, and Sustainable Organizations”, more broadly the aim of the conference will be to highlight both the ways in which organizations provide a context for language, gender and sexuality scholarship, and the potential that language, gender and sexuality scholarship has to shape holistically sustainable organizations.

The call for the prize is reported below:

On behalf of the IGALA Executive Board, we are happy to announce the IGALA12 Best Article Prize contest, addressing the IGALA12 conference theme.

If you have published a journal article in any language since January 2020 that fits the conference theme and would like it to be considered in the contest, please

  • send your publication to Nguyen Thi Thu Ha (

  • use the wording IGALA12 Best Article Prize as the subject line in your email.

  • include both the article and a cover note (in English), outlining how the article speaks to the conference theme.

Important information:

  • The deadline for submissions is 28 February 2023.

  • Persons submitting articles must be members of IGALA.

  • Only already published articles will be considered.

  • Articles will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  1. Internal coherence and structure

  2. Contribution to the field of language, gender and sexuality

  3. Extent of literature review/coverage of field

  4. Style and organization

  5. Addressing the theme of Gender, Language, and Sustainable Organizations

  6. Originality

THE PRIZE is a 2-year free subscription of the journal Gender and Language and the winning author will be announced at the IGALA12 Conference in Brisbane.

So, what are you waiting for? Send you work to Nguyen Thi Thu Ha and don’t lose your chance to win the IGALA Best Article Prize.


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